Some of My Poetry

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Submit my one little bit!
A little, I'll whittle.
Within reason, a lot,
along with information
and suggestions for thought,
relative, of course, to the subject.
Then I'll submit
to this poetry home
my poem,
my one little bit.

Copyright ©2000 PACF



I wonder in awe of the islands in the desert
where water used to be plenty.
The dark shadowy lines of the pines on top.
The differences from one island to the next
of the peaks, plateaus, and windows.
The cacti, shrubs, and succulents in mid to lower       parts.
Of the saguaro arms lifting to the sun in the day,
to the stars and the moon in the night.
I am intrigued by the golden barrels,
the native barrels, the hedgehogs and organ
spotting the slopes, sides and floor of the seas.
Spellbound, I sit watching
the trees and the ocotillo swaying in the breeze,
the clouds gathering for the desert storms, or
the sunset radiating its red and gold rays against       their sides
slowly turning the islands to browns and grays
as they fade into shadows of the night.
Such magnificent treasures are
these islands of the desert seas.

Copyright ©Jan 03, 2007 PACF



Through e-mail, internet, and phones
friends, family, visitors absent seek
       and thus search
       for information,
       pictures, and such.

Through e-mail, internet, and phones
friends, family, visitors absent speak
       and thus touch
       with words,
       pictures, and such
Through e-mail, internet, and phones.

Copyright ©2000  PACF


My Husband Has Passed Away

There was much to do,
we never talked of death.
We just never could speak the words.
He was ill, very ill,
but the words would never come.
The end was difficult and kinda long,
but knowing he was ill,
he would not get any better, in time.
In time,
I realized the Lord had a better place for him.

There is much to do now, the arrangements,
the funeral home, the memorial, the interment.
His credit cards and bank account to end.
Then come the memories, the loneliness,
the restructuring of my life, the prayers.
I know the Lord knew he was ill,
he would not get any better and
He had a better place for him.
I will go on though part of me is gone.
There is much to do.

Copyright 2004 PACF


Touch of Time

It has been two years since my husband passed away and
The touch of time changes everything!
We laugh and peace happens
We cry and are cleansed
Into night's dark shadows
Rivers flow and so flows the touch of time.

Through memory's loss and reminiscence of emotions
Love, fear, anger, hate and love again
We drift like the wind and streams over the earth
But with time and love, life brings us back
To laugh and to move on with a new sense of security.

The touch of time changes everything!
Relations, love, fear, anger, loss and love again
Like a walled up child we drift
But we grow in our sense of security
As the touch of love and time patiently lights the way!

Copyright ©2006 PACF



The morning sky
upon the black raven's wings
is waiting,
shimmering in the silence
of the shadows of dawn.

Suddenly the raven spreads its wings
and is soaring
and morning is blazing
as the sun, in like fashion,
spreads its rays upon the day.

Copyright ©2003 PACF


Patricia's interest in the internet started when taking classes at a local community college to improve her work skills. She is now an avid user of the Internet and creator of the Web Pages: Poets and Poetry of The U.S., Poems from a Book Called..., Shooting Education . Her fun web pages are: Clovis Foreman Around the World , this Shorttime web site, and many others for work.

Patricia enjoys poetry, music, and surfing the internet. Some of her favorites are Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Edgar Allen Poe, and Shel Silverstein. Her favorite poetry books are A Little Treasury of Modern Poetry (1952), edited by Oscar Williams, Time for Poetry (1961), compiled by M. H. Arbuthnot, illustrated by Arthur Paul, and Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle...and Other Modern Verse (1996), compiled by S. Dunning, E. Lueders, and H. Smith. Excerpts from the book Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle...and Other Modern Verse were chosen by Patricia for her final web page project for her Internet class.

Patricia's most recent web site work is for her sister and her sister's miniature horses at Sonspun Farm

Breeze in the Sky

One cool spring day
in the shade on my porch I lie
watching as a flag flutters
and the clouds drift by
in the breeze in the sky.

As the clouds drift by,
I watch as a dragon
forms in the clouds.

With seeming ease,
in the breeze in the sky
forms a sheep, then a dog,
a cup, then a spider
as the clouds drift by.

One cool spring day I lie
watching the flag flutter
and the clouds drift by with
the breeze in the sky.

Copyright ©Mar 2008 PACF


Checkered Board, Chess Pieces,
       Games Unending

Saturdays, in the park we met,
two young friends battling on board of wood.

A chequered board of sixty-four squares,
alternating dark and light, eight by eight,
rank and file.

Pieces, thirty-two in all. Each side with
one king, one queen, two rooks,
two knights, two bishops, eight pawns.

Today's challenger Ivory -
Today's opponent Ebony.

Opening, Ivory pawn to queen four,
Ebony pawn to queen bishop four.
Pawn takes pawn, knight takes pawn.
So, on and on the battle rages.
Each side maneuvering for control.

Hours on end, passing the time,
move after move, pieces won, pieces lost.
In the end, checkmate or draw?

Today, Checkmate.
Ivory best two out of three.
Tomorrow... ?

Saturdays in the park we still meet,
elderly friends now, battling on board of wood
An old, old chequered board for games of war,
games of peace, games unending.

Copyright ©July 22, 2008 PACF


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